Notice of Motion to change the Associations Racing and Safety Rules

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The following rule changes have been submitted for the 2016-2017 season, each club and state council has the opportunity to vote on these changes, voting can be for the motion, against the motion or abstain from voting.
Each Club must register their voting outcome with their relevant State Council prior to the National Council APBA Meeting to be held on the 29 May 2016

Notice of Motion to change the Associations Racing and Safety Rules (Rule Book) Motion No: 1
Proposed By: NSW State Council

Supported By:

1. Deepwater Motor Boat Club

2. Raymond Terrace Aquatic Club

3. Dargle Valley Boat Club

Rule No:Group 400 Rules in their entirety
Currently:As per 2015-16 Rule Book – pages 24 & 25

Proposed Change:Delete the current Group 400 Rules and replace with:


401.01 All Protests regarding the eligibility of Boats, Drivers, Race course or of the Officials must be made to the Race Committee as soon as the violation of the Rules is discovered.

401.011 Starting in a Race will be taken as an acceptance of all conditions without protest, unless a Protest is lodged before the start of the Race or Event.

402.012 The Race Committee may reject all Protests filed after a Race if prior knowledge of the alleged breach(s) is/are admitted or proven during the investigation, and no further action will be taken.

401.02 No trophies or prize moneys are to be awarded or presented while a Protest or Appeal is pending.

401.03 A Protest or Appeal can only be lodged by a Boat Owner or Driver actually competing or who has competed at the Event.

401.04 Protest and/or Appeal fees will be returned if the Protest or Appeal is upheld. Bond moneys will be returned, less any expenses.


402.00 Protests can only be heard by the Race Committee responsible for the conduct of the Event.

402.01 Protests regarding eligibility of Boat, Drivers or relating to the conduct of any Event, alleged breach of the Rules or any penalty imposed must be lodged with the Race Committee and be made on the appropriate form accompanied by a Protest Fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100).

402.011 Protests must be lodged: –

 Before the Race as required under rule 401.01 or Within thirty (30) minutes of the conclusion of the Race concerned, or Within thirty (30) minutes of issue of notification of the breach or penalty.402.012 The Race Committee must notify any competitor who is the subject of a Protest or affected by the Protest, immediately after receipt of the Protest.

402.02 If the Protest is against a sealed motor, a bond of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) must accompany the Protest to cover the cost of dismantling the motor.

402.021 If the Protest is upheld the bond will be returned. Motors that are dismantled due to a Protest are to be assembled at the expense of the loser of the Protest.

402.03 Protests must be heard without delay and the Protest decision conveyed to the Protestor, any competitor who was the subject of a Protest, or affected by the Protest, and the Council in writing, by the Race Committee immediately after the hearing.

402.04 Protests regarding the eligibility of Boats or Drivers should be heard before the Race or Event commences.

402.041 Starting in any Race or Event will be taken as acceptance by the competitor of the conditions without Protest, unless a Protest has been lodged before the start of the Race or Event.

402.05 The Senior Referee must attend any Protest Hearing.


403.01 After any Protest has been decided by the Race Committee, the first Appeal against the decision of the Race Committee must be made by the Appellant in writing, accompanied by a fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) and lodged with the relevant Council Secretary, within seven (7) days of the Protest decision.

403.011 For Events conducted as a single Event, the relevant Council is the Council in which the Event was conducted.

403.012 For Events conducted as a Series, the relevant Council is the Council overseeing the Series.

403.013 For Offshore Events, the relevant Council is the Offshore Council.

403.014 All particulars (including relevant supporting Rule Numbers), the names of any interested parties or witnesses and their role in supporting the Appeal must be included.

403.015 The Appeal will be heard by the respective Council and the hearing must be held within twenty-eight (28) days of the Protest decision.

403.016 Any competitor who may be affected by the Appeal must be notified by the relevant Council immediately after the Appeal has been received.

403.017 The Appeal decision must be conveyed to the Appellant, any affected competitor and The Association, in writing, within seven (7) days of the Appeal hearing by the Council.



Author: Sharon Peaty

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