Entries are now open for our first club day of the new season. The good news is that it is free entry but due to covid requirements we need entries in the week prior to the event.
Please use the entry form on Speedboat Racing – Forms and Downloads page of the website.
NSW Government Covid requirements apply, i.e. All drivers, crew and spectators must be double vaccinated and check into the St. George Motor Boat Club.
Pitts open at 7am
Official Scrutineering and Tech. Inspections are planned from 8am
We hope to start racing around 10am.
APBA Officials will be on hand to accept driver licence and boat owner applications and to carry out Tech. Inspections so please take advantage of this great opportunity.
New Drivers are most welcome. Drivers and boat owners must be a member of an APBA affiliated club. St. George Power Boat Club membership application forms are on the membership page of the website (www.stgeorgepbc.com.au).
The current APBA rule book which lists all of the requirements for power boat racing can be found here:
New Drivers are strongly urged to read the rule book, in particular Section 102 re licencing & breath testing, Group 600 re racing and Group 800 re safety equipment.
The precise nature of the events to be run will be determined once final entries are received. If there are insufficient entries received by 6 November the race day will be cancelled.
Races are likely to include speed bracket classes, handicap races and scratch races.