2018 Speedboat Spectacular Entries are open


Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February 2018
Entries for the 2018 Speedboat Spectacular are now open


As a special feature for the 2018 Spectacular we are offering discounted entry fees for early entries. (No daily rate)
Entries received and paid before 1 February 2018: $100
Entries received and paid by 19 February 2018: $150
Entries received after 19 February 2018: $200
Consider the discount as a contribution towards tow money.
Prize money will be paid to all boats completing a “final” of all events.
To enter, download & print the St. George PBC Race Entry Form, complete the form and scan and send to commodore@stgeorgepbc.com.au or use the online entry form (below).

Author: Ian Bown

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